PR & Communication Agency
Monoceros boasts years of experience in strategic communication campaigns and emerges as the PR and Communication agency for tech ventures.
I joined them in an early stage of the business to take the lead of the Product design and Branding. Together, we developed the first prototype of the app and the new brand.
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Project Plan
We structured the project plan in monthly sprints that allowed us to achieve efficiently the two main goals:
1. The UI redesign and a one-page website by March 2020.
2. The launch of the full website with new Information Architecture, Content Strategy, CMS and a branded illustration set by July 2020.
Information architecture
With the information gathered from the Monoceros' client database,
After thorough analysis of the provided data about their clients, we defined the main personas and built the user stories. These became our key tools to determine the content, features and structure of the web.
UI Redesign
We respected the previous dark mode approach and the universe imagery, however we decided to create a more elegant use of the typography, readjust de color palette, cleaned layout and designed a new bunch of iconic illustrations.